Ritual Magic


Ritual Magic

Ritual or ceremonial magic refers to the so-called classical magic. Its main focus is the ritual.

A ritual in turn embodies a compilation of solemn actions (ceremonies) in mostly prescribed form (ritual and invocation texts) based on logic (course of action) and psychology (effects) in order to invoke, appease, banish or even “force” a god or being (cf. Faust’s compulsion to hell). In this case one also speaks of the so-called EVOCATION or EVOCATION MAGIC.

An INVOCATION or INVOCATION MAGIC is usually when the imitation of a God or beings (the own acceptance of God or animal forms) is the basis of the ritual action, in order to obtain supernatural powers or corresponding knowledge. This form of the ritual action is also widespread in shamanism and in voodoo magic (lat.: involo = flying in).

Unfortunately, the two terms (Invocation and Evocation) offer again and again cause for confusion, since they are occupied by authors of magic writings with the most different meanings. Reason for this might be probably the fact that these two terms are religion-phenomenological origin, and their meaning (lat. word stem) with the intention of the magically acting are mostly incompatible (lat.: invoco = to call to help, ask for help).

The Contents Of A Ritual Are:

  • Switching one’s soul to the magical world
  • The magically effective word (Mantramistics and languages such as Hebrew, Latin, Enochian, etc.)
  • A gesture accompanying the ceremony (mudric/mudras)
  • The symbolism used in the process (e.g. the magic circle as a clear demarcation to the profane world, drawing & imagination of a pentagram)

The ritual itself is subject to a gradual build-up, which usually culminates in a climax and is then – in reverse order – reduced to a kind of “zero point”.

In ritual and/or ceremonial magic, clothing (magic robe) as well as behaviour (adherence to the order of the texts, sequence of finger and hand gestures) are subject to certain rules. The effectiveness of ritual magic is based on the interplay of “belief” (the independent production in, as well as the pulling down from ether), “cognition” (psychologically effective emotional patterns = production of so-called “psychogonal structures”) and the associated so-called vital stasis. It is therefore irrelevant whether the meaning (ratio) of a ritual is understood or not, which is usually a senseless undertaking anyway (cf. among other things: non-transcribable invocation texts of medieval Grimoires – not all, but most, as well as various complex Freemason rituals).